Children's Choir, LLC
The Alaska Children's Choir has been providing the finest musical training to talented youth ages 5-18 from Anchorage and the Mat-Su Valley for over 35 years.
Jessie Wetherell, Director
The Alaska Children's Choir is available for performances throughout Southcentral Alaska.
Phone: 1 907 982 5467
Fall Semester students are auditioned/accepted during AUGUST.
Spring Semester students are auditioned/accepted during JANUARY.
Email, Text, or Call to arrange an audition time!
Phone: 1 907 982 5467
History of the Alaska Children's Choir
The Alaska Children's Choir offers girls and boys ages 5-18, from all parts of the Southcentral Alaska area, an opportunity to study and perform a comprehensive repertoire of classical, opera, contemporary, and folk music in a professional atmosphere. In weekly rehearsals, these artists-in-training learn a challenging repertoire of choral music. They study music theory, harmony, vocal techniques, sight-singing, and concert etiquette.
The choir was founded in 1979 by Renda Horn and Julie Baxley as the Anchorage Girls and Boys Choir. Janet Stotts took over the Directorship of the Choir in 1984. The name was later changed to Anchorage Children's Choir. In the early 1990's, as membership grew to include members from a wider geographic area, the name Alaska Children 's Choir was adopted. After Janet passed away in 2015, the choir was purchased by Jessie Wetherell, an alumna of the Alaska Children’s Choir.
The Alaska Children's Choir exists to educate and train Southcentral Alaskan children in the art and technique of choral music and to perform with the highest artistic standards locally, regionally, and internationally. It is our intent to provide the highest quality instruction in singing technique and music theory, and to expose our singers to the best repertoire and the highest performance standards appropriate to their age and ability.
Jessie Wetherell, Director
Jessie Wetherell was born and raised in Alaska, where she participated in many local music ensembles including the Anchorage Youth Symphony, Mat-Valley String Orchestra, and 13 years in the Alaska Children’s Choir. She then went on to obtain her Bachelor of Music Education degree in 2010 from Wartburg College in Waverly, IA, and her Master of Music degree in 2012 from Mercer University in Macon, GA. She has had the opportunity to travel extensively with various performing groups and continues to be involved in the local arts. In 2015, she directed the Mat-Su community production of Handel’s Messiah. For four years, she taught music in the Mat-Su schools, in programs such as general music, choir, and string orchestra. She teaches private lessons in strings, piano, and voice in her off-time, and is the new director of the Alaska Children’s Choir.